reede, 18. jaanuar 2019

Jana, Maarja, Hanna-Liisa

Padise Manor 2018 

10.12-12.12 there was an english camp at Padise Manor. We arrived there at somewhere in between 10 AM and 11 AM. First when we arrived, we had to wait for a bit because we got there a lot earlier than teachers expected us to. While we were waiting to get into our rooms we were taken on a little tour to Padise Abbey, it was cold outside but we somehow managed. When we got into our rooms we had an hour of free time to settle in and check out the manor. Then we had lunch and the food was absolutely amazing. After lunch we met the CEO of Padise Manor Boutique Hotel Jukka who told us about the history of the manor and about what he does as a CEO. Later we had to do some group work, we had to make a 7-10 min long video of us cleaning our own rooms. At 6 PM we had dinner, which was also really good. At 7 PM we started playing games and after that we went to bed.

The next day we woke up at 8 and went to have breakfast and after that we had to do more group activities. It was really interesting and we learned a lot. From 11-11.30 we had a break and after that we had another group activity but now we switched places with M17. From 13-14 we had lunch and after that we presented our group videos of us cleaning our rooms. We picked out the best work from both groups and they were awarded. After that we had dinner and later we had a movie night. We decided to watch a horror movie which made us want to call out ghosts since we heard from the administrator that the manor is indeed haunted and that they have caught a ghost named Helene on video. We went into a different room and made an ouija board which is used to call out ghosts and you can ask them questions. Believe it or not but it actually worked!!! Helene talked to us, but she didn`t really seem to like us. A girl from our class got so scared that she started crying and we all felt really weird. 

On the third day we had breakfast at 8.30, The Game Club arranged activities with us in two different rooms. At 12 AM we had to do an English test and after that we cleaned our rooms and left. It was a really fun experience and we wouldn`t mind doing it again. 

Maarja, Jana, Hanna-Liisa

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