teisipäev, 19. detsember 2017

Artikkel HKHK kodulehelt

Padise mõisas toimus inglise keele laager

03.12.17 – 05.12.17 toimus bürootöö BT-16 ja majutusteeninduse M-16 kursustele keelelaager Padise mõisas. 
Pühapäeval 03.12 käisime erinevate kursustega meie koolist „Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt“ finaalshow’l. Enne Tallinnasse sõitmist bussiga pakkus Padise mõis meile maitsvat õhtusööki. Finaal iseenesest oli väga meelelahutuslik ja võimas. Nägime palju armastatud artiste, kellele saime kaasa elada. Saku Suurhallis veetsime umbes neli tundi, pärast seda viis tellitud buss meid tagasi Padise mõisa, meie ööbimispaika.
Esmaspäeva hommikul kell 8.30 ootas meid külluslik hommikusöök mõisa esimesel korrusel. Kell 10-11.30 veetsime aega VAT Teatri foorumteatri näitlejatega, kellega koos tegime inglise keeles erinevaid etüüde, mis aitavad bürootöötajatel igapäevaelus hakkama saada ja erinevate olukordadega toime tulla. See töötuba oli väga praktiline ja arendav, kuid samas ka väga lõbus ja naerurohke.
Kell 11.45-13.15 toimus järgmine töötuba, kus tegelesime inglise keeles improteatriga. Tegime seal erinevaid harjutusi ja mänge, mis oli väga hariv, eriti inglise keele praktiseerimiseks. Kui töötoad olid läbi saanud, oli lõunasöök. Peale seda viis meid giid Padise kloostrisse, kus ta tegi mõlemale kursusele ingliskeelse ekskursiooni. Ta rääkis kloostri ajaloost ja tõi välja huvitavaid fakte.
Kell 16.00-17.30 rääkis meile inglise keeles teeninduse erinevustest USAs ja Eestis Thomas Kalinic (Pärnu Koidula-kooli õpetaja). See küll puudutas rohkem majutusteenindust, aga ega need teadmised bürootöötajal mööda külgi maha jookse. Teda oli kerge kuulata, kuna ta oli New Yorgis üles kasvanud ja tema inglise keel oli väga arusaadav.
Kell 18.00-19.00 oli õhtusöök ning peale seda jätkus Thomas Kalinici loeng ning kell 20.30-23.00 oli ingliskeelsete filmide õhtu.
Teisipäeva hommikul kell 8.30-9.15 oli taas rikkalik hommikusöök ning peale seda tuli meiega rääkima Padise mõisa omanik Karl von Ramm, kes on ameeriklane, kuid valdas hästi eesti keelt. Loengu ja situatsiooniülesanded viis ta läbi siiski inglise keeles. Väga huvitav oli mõisaekskursioon.
Inglise keele laager oli hariv ja tore.
Laura Luhtsalu
Marlen Sõlg

English trip to Padise Manor

On the first day we started with our English speaking camp at Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Center at 3pm o’clock with going to Padis manor. At the beginning when we arrived we put our things in our rooms and went to eat dinner.
After dinner we drow to the final of “Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt” Final session.
That was a great expirience, we had seats with a good view in a good place.
When the Final session ended we drove back to Padise manor and went to sleep.

Second day of English camp. Our breakfast was from 8 to 9. After that, we had to do some roleplays and play some games with VAT theatre. We had so much fun during this. After that we did some acting and solver problems which could appear in our job as a housemaid or waitress.

After activities we had lunch and did a little break. Then we met oue guide and had a 1,5 hour long walk in Padise Monastery. Everything she showed us and talked about, was very interesting and eventhough we all like to talk, we stayed quietly the whole time and listened to her. We even went on the top of the tower. The view was incredible. After the tour we had about an half of hour to rest until the lecture.

I sadly didn’t listen what Thomas Kalinic talked about service differences between Estonia and USA because I had a nap. After 90 minutes long lecture we all had a dinner. Then he continued his lecture. He talked about check-in, check-out and how to properly write an e-mail.

The last activity was a movie-night. People chose a movie for so long, I decided to stay at my room and go to sleep.

The third day also started at 8:30 am with breakfast. Shortly after that came manor master and talked about his estate, he also introduced his house and showed us wine cellar, room for cleaning supplies and the kitchen. After the house tour we had to pack up our stuff and free our rooms. Then we went to eat our lunch and got back to Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Center.

neljapäev, 14. detsember 2017

Artikkel HKHK kodulehel (Ülle Ojamäe)

Täiendava keeleõppe projekt kaasab HKHK õpilased põnevatesse tegemistesse

Roosta seikluspargi külastus - keeleõppe projekt2017/2018.õppeaastal viib Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus ellu projektina täiendava keeleõppe tegevusi nii eesti keeles kui ka erialases võõrkeeleõppes.
Projekti täiendavat eesti keele õppe tegevused on suunatud eesti keelest erineva emakeelega õpilastele, kelle eesti keele oskuse tase ei ole piisav erialaõpingutes toimetulemiseks. Kogu õppeaasta vältel osalevad õpilased täiendava eesti keele grupitundides, samuti leiavad aset õppija vajadustest lähtuvad individuaalsed juhendatud tunnid kas erialaste õppematerjalidega, praktikaaruande koostamisena vms. Õpilastel on projektiperioodi vältel tugiõpilased, kellega koos toimuvad ühised keeleoskust ja sotsiaalset suhtlemist arendavad tegevused: ühine ronimine Roosta seikluspargis, õppekäik Tallinna Energia avastuskeskusesse, ühine bowlinguturniir ning lõunasöögid. 2 korral õppeaastas vestlevad õpilased koolid õppenõustajaga ning analüüsivad oma täiendava eesti keele õppe oskust ning selgitavad välja edasise vajaduse.
Täiendava erialase võõrkeeleõppe tegevuste eesmärgiks on toetada teeninduserialade õpilaste võõrkeelse suhtlusoskuse omandamist autentsetes erialastes situatsioonides ja keelekeskkonnas, samuti kujundada kooliõpingute käigus omandatu vilumust võõrkeeles suhtlemisel.
Täiendava võõrkeele õpet rakendab kool projekti tegevustena bürootöö, majutusteeninduse ja loodusturismi korralduse eriala õpilastele teenindusalase võõrkeeleoskuse arendamiseks elulähedastes tegevustes. Vene keele oskuste tugevdamiseks toimuvad õppekäigud nii Ida-Viru Kutsehariduskeskusesse, kus toimuvad ühised õppetegevused, Ida-Virumaa spaahotelli koos töövarjuks olemise, kultuurialased külastused nii Narva Hermanni kindlusesse kui ka Sinimägedesse. Inglise keele tegevustena leiavad aset 4-päevane inglise keele laager koos kontserdikülastusega, koostöötegevused Euroopa Kooliga ning Ühendkuningriigi saatkonna külastus. Erialase soome keele arendamiseks külastavad loodusturismi korralduse eriala õppijad Soome turismimessi Matka 2018 ning uurivad soomekeelses keskkonnas loodusmuuseumi saladusi.
Täiendava keeleõppe projekti raames valmib ka 2 e-õppe kursust.
Täiendava keeleõppe tegevusi kajastavad õpilased blogis ning kevadiseks lõpuseminariks valmistavad õpilased ettekanded õppekäikudel kogetust. Lõpuseminarist valmib ka video.
Projekti tegevusi tutvustab ka meie blogi – kliki SIIA ja loe lähemalt.
Keeleõppe projekti rahastab SA Innove Euroopa Liidu Sotsiaalfondist.

kolmapäev, 13. detsember 2017

Your face sounds familiar (Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt

We went with our class to Tallinn in Saku's big hall (Saku suurhall) watching a comedy show ”
Your face sounds familiar.” Everyone liked it very much. It was nice to see many famous actors and singers.

The program lasted about three hours and there was a lot of people. It was cool to see how such a program was made. We saw what's going on in place when there is a commercial break on the television. At the time of the pauses, young people were awarded prizes, some children had the opportunity to sing on stage and make Christmas poems.

The performances were powerful, funny and beautiful.

(The pictures are taken from the show´a facebook page.)

pühapäev, 10. detsember 2017

English trip at Padise Manor

 English trip at Padise Manor

On the first day I met with my group at Padise Manor at 16.00.
They gave me my room (what I shared with Kaisa) and then we had  dinner. The dinner was simple and good, after that we headed to the concert place- Saku Suurhall where we got ready for "Su Nägu Kõlab Tuttavalt" show, which I really didn't like.
I'm not really into this kind of shows, for others I think it was fun.
Saku Suurhall
After the show as we drove back to the Padise Manor we had a little snack. After arriving  back to our place the first day was over.

On the second day we had rich breakfast and some free time before lectures.
We spent some time in our rooms- our room was very large and luxurious and the freaking toilet seat was square!!!

In impro theatre we played some games what VAT theatre planned for us. For sure we learned how to act as a group. (As we have some problems with that).
Then we had some free time when we talked about these games.
We went to the forum theatre where we had to analyze about different situations we could have in our job.

 Breakfast time- the dessert was the best part.

We met with our guide next to the Padise Monastery.
Our guide talked about the monastery about 90 minutes. It was really interesting, she talked about it so passionately and with so many gestures, she was so enthusiastic!

We met with Thomas who is real American, he talked about Estonia and USA food service differences. He made us do some group work and he was a just good talker. He made us listen with just being there. What a skill!

This day was slowly coming to an end.

On the last day we had a tour in the Padise Manor. The tour guide was that place owner Karl
It was little hard to understand his Estonian language at some point, but on the third day it was pretty easy to understand what he was talking in English.

After the tour we had our last lunch.
 We waited our bus for half an hour but finally we could take the ride to Haapsalu.

Camp of English in Padise Manor

 The first day, we went to see ,, Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt’’ TV show recording.
It was very cool and I do not know how with others, but I had a pretty good seating position and
I saw everything.
It was a bit boring only during commercial breaks. Before we got a recording,
we went to Padise Manor, where we ate lunch and got our rooms.
Our room was so gorgeous and beautiful, every time when we went room we didn't want to leave.
,,Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt'' TV show and one picture of our room.

This room was so gorgeous.

The second day, was harder to me because all was only in English,
but nonetheless I liked all and I learned English. After breakfast VAT theatre came to visit us.  
With them were very interesting. First of all, we did with Mairi Tikerpalu different improvised tasks.
This was very cool. After first workshop was a little  break about 15 minutes.
After the break started second workshop with Mari-Liis Velberg and Erika Sall.
This workshop was a little bit boring, but okay. After lunch we went to the tour with a guide in
Paradise Monastery. The story of Abandoned Monastery, what this guide talked was very interesting.
In monastery has a tower where we could get up, but there were very steep stairs.
This tour lasted about 90-minutes. We had a little break about 30-minutes until next lecture.
Before dinner Thomas Kalinic was talking about service differences in the America and in Estonia.
He used difficult expressions in English for me and that's why I did not understand everything,
but it seemed like an interesting story. He talked about 90-minutes and after this we could have dinner.
Food was very good. After eating he spoke further, but this was boring because I was very tired.
He talked again 90-minutes,
when he stopped and we had free time or we could took part from the film watching night.
Padise monastery and me :) 

On the last day, we talked with the owner of Padise Manor.We had a little tour in the manor and he
also gave us a lecture.  I once felt that it was a bit difficult to understand, but I did not even try
very much because I was very tired of this camp. After he had finished, we went to eat for the last time
and then it was time to go home.
 I, personally, liked the camp and I stayed more than happy.

Elika M16